The metal company Plansee in Reutte (Austria) has opted for the turnkey solution of the Data Center Group with the integrated DC IT Room Quartzite-Outdoor.
The self-sufficient outdoor data center with 60 m² of IT usable space was customized for Plansee according to the company's corporate colors. The system offers a professional alternative to the indoor solution when buildings reach their space capacity limits. At the same time, the DC-IT outdoor series meets all safety-relevant standards and can certainly be used as a permanent solution.
The modular IT container F90 offers space for 10 racks and operates with a climate performance of 60 KW. The construction was based on a 100% redundancy system, implemented with InRow cooling systems and with UPS A + UPS B supply. Under the project management of Dennis Spies, the planning and installation of the DC-Outdoor with attached technical container could be implemented within three months after commissioning.
Credits : © Data Center Group
© Plansee
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