The topic of waste heat utilization for data centers is more topical than ever. Due to the increasing performance of data centers, there is more and more (unused) waste heat, digitalization and energy scarcity is increasing and progressing. Waste heat from data centers can automatically deliver green heat to consumers. In the course of this, the pressure to use waste heat from data centers continues to increase. For example, the European Green Deal, the EU's EED, as well as national climate targets and legislation in Germany such as the announced Energy Efficiency Act, all address waste heat utilization.
This is where Bytes2Heat comes in to unlock this potential. A competent team consisting of a project consortium (DENEFF, the institutes IVR and IER of the University of Stuttgart and IWN), a network of experts as well as project partners (BFE Institute for Energy and Environment, Danfoss, ENGIE Germany, E.ON Energy Solutions) has come together for this purpose. Another of these partners is the Data Center Group, represented by Senior Consultant Dr. Dieter Thiel. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection based on a resolution of the German Bundestag.
The goal of the project is to harness waste heat from data centers and resolve existing challenges. On the technical side, low waste heat temperatures as well as the need for constant heat extraction 24 hours a day, 365 days a year cause problems for many data centers, but with a best practice overview Bytes2Heat shows how even low temperatures can be used. From a business point of view, a high investment requirement away from the actual core business leads to obstacles, which a quick-check cost-effectiveness removes. A lack of communication between stakeholders is counteracted by the Bytes2Heat matching tool, which brings together data centers and heat consumers. In addition, close cooperation and the openness and interest of stakeholders provide a remedy.
Numerous examples from industry, building services and agriculture show promising uses for waste heat. The first results were presented in November at the annual Data Center Roundtable and further projects are already being planned and implemented.
Click here for the project page of Bytes2Heat.
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