Castle in Siegburg

Data Center Group (DCG) implements outdoor data center for the district town of Siegburg

"The heart of our IT must beat"
References | 17.04.2023

With its 550 employees, the district town of Siegburg provides all services for its citizens. Whether it's an identity card, travel documents or construction projects - all of these can now be applied for online. A virtual citizens' office, online consultation hours for the mayor, and live streams of council meetings or committees are further digital services offered by the county seat.

In order to be able to offer these processes and applications in a fail-safe manner and to protect the citizens' sensitive data in the best possible way, a secure and functioning IT infrastructure is indispensable. A failure of the IT would lead to a complete standstill of the services and the entire work processes, as well as directly affect the citizens in their daily lives. That is why the IT infrastructure of the authority must be redundant and thus able to withstand failures.

"The data center is the heart of our infrastructure. We can absorb other failures in the periphery. But the heart has to beat," says Thomas Limbach, system administrator of the district town of Siegburg.

Data Center Group took over the setup and installation of the data center, a DC IT Container developed according to the strictest DIN standards and requirements. The data center was built on the premises of the fire and rescue station. DCG was chosen because they presented a coherent concept for a very specific requirement: a variable, spatially flexible and at the same time very robust container data center.

Spatially flexible because the IT had to be housed elsewhere due to a renovation of the town hall. And variable because it is future-proof and can continue to grow.

Despite delivery bottlenecks, the project was completed on time within six months. The customer is also satisfied: "Sitting next to me is a happy administrator. The process, the implementation as well as the final product went perfectly. All promises on the part of DCG were kept as promised. DCG's project management deserves special praise here. We were able to achieve a strong increase in the quality of our IT infrastructure," says Bernd Lehmann, Head of Central Services, Digital Affairs, Citizen Services and Order of the district town of Siegburg.

Based on the successful cooperation, DCG will also take over the service and ongoing operation of the container data center so that the digital heart of the city of Siegburg remains constantly beating, powerful, protected and highly available.


Facts and figures:

  • DC IT Container (10,900 x 3,400 x 3,200 m)
  • Separation of server and technical room
  • Installation raised floor
  • 5x 19-inch rack system with hot aisle containment
  • 2x 25 kW (CW) cooling system
  • Early fire detection system incl. NOVEC 1230 fire extinguishing system with fire alarm system
  • 2x UPS system á 30 kVA
  • Monitoring DCM Agent incl. hybrid sensors
  • Project duration: 6 months


Credits: © Kreisstadt Siegburg

Source Cover Picture: © hespasoft / #352437830 / (Standard licence) 

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