
The base for your decisions

The goal of analysis is to identify and evaluate factors influencing the strategic alignment of IT. By using professional analysis tools, an independent picture of the infrastructure is created as a basis for decision-making. We examine relevant factors such as the environment, power supply and connectivity. Learn more about our individual analysis modules for your data center design here.

Data Center Consulting Analysis Building Blocks

Depending on where you are in the process of your IT project, on the one hand all participants have to be brought to the same level of knowledge and on the other hand decisions for the next steps have to be planned. However, this can only be achieved if influencing factors are made transparent and the dependencies are shown. The initial workshop is the basis for all parties involved in the data center process.

The analysis of all geographic opportunities and risks is an important building block for your further decisions. Meteorological factors such as heavy rain or lightning frequency, geological risks such as earthquakes and attack hazards must be identified and evaluated. Measures are developed to minimize these risks. An environment analysis is part of the standard compliance according to DIN EN 50600.

Without energy and connectivity, nothing works in the data center. Therefore it is essential to know what can be provided at the site. We check the connectivity options for your project and can use this as a basis to drive the development of your project with facts.

We can check existing data centers within the scope of a delta analysis according to predefined parameters - e.g. according to DIN EN 50600 or uptime requirements. Deviations are documented, solution approaches are described and a rough cost breakdown is created. As a result, you know whether your data center infrastructure meets the requirements or which criteria must be fulfilled in order to meet the requirements. In all considerations, we check whether there are possibilities for funding the measures.

We identify the specific sector requirements for KRITIS - i.e. critical infrastructure companies. With this analysis, we show you the solutions at your location so that your IT can be operated with a data center infrastructure that meets the specific demands.

Once the framework conditions and measures for implementing your IT project are known, we compile all the information into a general concept in a further step, so that you know what is needed. You can then check space requirements and determine costs for the IT budget.

In every phase of a data center project, whether small or large, it is worthwhile to check the implementation of the measures with regard to possible funding measures. We analyze the possibilities and modalities of the funding programs for you and support you in applying for the funds.

"The success of the Data Center Group consultants is based on their passion and commitment to the customer's requirements. Each employee is a true specialist in his or her field of expertise."

Kai Wenzke, Head of Department Data Center, QITS GmbH

Shaping the future

Mixed forest with path on which blue applications can be seen
Looking forward to Data Centre World 2025 - we'll be there!

Data Centre World 2025 | 4th and 5th June | Frankfurt am Main

Microphone over a blurred photo of a conference hall or seminar room with participants in the background, business meeting concept
ZKI Frühjahrstagung 2025

18.03. - 19.03. 2025 | Technische Hochschule Köln

Cooling element on a house, next to a meadow and trees
Sustainability for refrigerants and extinguishing fluids

Overview and recommendations

Our team of experts

Portrait Michael Wörster
Michael Wörster

Consultant Data Center Infrastructure
Team Lead

Portrait of Fabian Buda, standing and laughing in a suit
Fabian Buda

Consultant Data Center Infrastructure

Portrait Thomas Bradler
Thomas Bradler

Consultant Data Center Infrastructure

Portrait Steffan Leuschner
Steffan Leuschner

Consultant Network Infrastructure

Portrait Dr. Dieter Thiel
Dr. Dieter Thiel

Consultant Energy Concepts

Portrait Hans-Jürgen Grabe
Hans-Jürgen Grabe

Consultant Information Security

Do you have the right project for us?

To learn more about our planning process, feel free to contact us personally. Please use our contact form or just give us a call. We look forward to hearing from you!