Research cooperations

Research cooperations

The Data Center Group is committed to more sustainable digitalisation. That is why we are actively involved in research collaborations and work together with various industry players on the developments of tomorrow. 

The projects of our cooperation partners are doing valuable work to ensure that the digital future can be shaped in a sustainable and resource-saving way.


[Translate to English:] Mann und Frau diskutieren vor einem Tablet mit einem Stift in der Hand

Bytes2Heat / DENEFF:

DENEFF is an initiative of over 220 companies that is committed to sustainable energy policy and economic climate protection projects. The Bytes2Heat project was initiated by DENEFF. It consists of a project consortium, a network of experts and project partners, including the Data Centre Group. The aim of the project is to make waste heat from data centres usable and to resolve existing challenges. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag.

You can find more information about the project in our news article:

More information
Logo Öko-Institut

MERU project / Öko-Institut:

The Öko-Institut is one of Europe's leading independent research and consultancy organisations for a sustainable future, which aims to help protect nature and the environment in the long term and safeguard the livelihoods of all people.
The MERU project (Holistic Management of Energy and Resource Efficiency in Companies) was initiated by the Oeko-Institut and the Data Centre Group is a project partner. It specialises in identifying and combating rebound effects in companies. A rebound effect occurs when potential savings from efficiency improvements cannot be realised.

Further information on rebound effects can be found in our news article.

Get in touch


PEER DC (Public Energy Efficiency Register of Data Centres) is a public energy efficiency register for data centres. The project, supported by project partners such as the Data Center Group, was set up to implement an energy efficiency register for data centres and has these three main objectives:

  • Setting up a register for data centres and visualising the contents of the register    
  • Development of an evaluation system and evaluation software for energy-efficient data centres
  • Testing the transferability of the results and feasibility of a rating system for data centres at European level

Further information on PEED DC can be found in our news article:

More about PEER DC

Shaping the future sustainable

Several hands hold a small miniature earth in green
Sustainability in data centers start with planning

Heat pump in a small green shrub forest
Research project on waste heat utilization "Bytes2Heat" successfully completed

A final report and presentation of the tools developed to support a successful heat transition in the data center sector

Court scales with green leaves on them, more leaves below, a forest in the background
EnEfG plus EED

double challenge for data centers?

Our measures for the green transformation

Waste heat recovery

We use accruing waste heat to generate heat


according to the Blue Angel eco-label

Photovoltaics & Facade Justification

Energy recovery and natural heat reduction of the IT protective shell

Research cooperation

We work on the topics of the future

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