Print machine

Hess Druck

Safe for tradition in thurgau
References | 01.02.2016

For the traditional company in Thurgau, we have implemented a DC IT Safe, which by its nature guarantees the highest possible data security. The number 1 on the market, "made in Germany".

"The modular maximum availability safe includes all important functions such as alarming, fire monitoring and extinguishing as well as redundant air conditioning and comprehensive monitoring. A special highlight of this project: the mobility of the safe!

"Currently, we are leased in at the current location, but we can choose another location in case of a possible expansion of the data center. The facility is accessible from both sides and requires little floor space despite its extensive equipment. Another successfully implemented project by Data Center Group!" Fredi Roeschli (Head of Laser- and Lettershop Hess Druck AG)

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