Magazine, on which Amperel and its managing director Nikolai Kolorev is presented
Partner Amperel LLP

Dynamic company from Kazakhstan as a reliable partner

2 hands enclosing a light bulb on green background
IT performance up, energy consumption down

Measures for data center energy efficiency

Banner "Open" on a door
Open Data Center Day - Where does the Internet actually live?

Open Data Center Day 2023 | 29th of September 2023 | All over Germany

[Translate to English:] Hände die ein Tablet bedienen mit digitalen Maschinendaten und einer 3D-Visualisierung eines Produktionsroboters
Smart and secure towards the digital factory

Datwyler 2023 customer and partner day | 2th of August 2023 | Altdorf, Schweiz

Two men in the data center looking at server racks
Waste heat recovery in data centers

CO2-free heat for greater climate protection

AI generated graphic depicting artificial intelligence in the form of flying numbers and data in space and a digital brain
The code of the future?

An interview with expert Prof. Dr. Patrick Glauner on the limits and potential of artificial intelligence

Visualisation Data Center JGU Mainz
Groundbreaking for excellence in research

Data Center Group (DCG) realizes a sustainable data center for the expansion of the research location of the University of Mainz

e-world 2023 in Essen
Meet us on the e-world 2023 in Essen

E-World 2023 | 23th to 25th of May | Essen

Picture CIty Madrid
Meet us at the Datacenter Dynamics 2023 Madrid

Datacenter Dynamics Connect 2023 | 23th to 24th of May | Madrid

Data Center Schwalbach am Taunus outside view
The digital future in Schwalbach am Taunus is moving forward

Data Center Group implements flagship project for DATA CASTLE in the greater Frankfurt area

No news available.