What is your challenge?

IT infrastructures represent a central collection point for sensitive as well as confidential information in various industries and institutions. With over 2,500 projects across all industries, we know the different challenges. Learn more about our industry-specific and scalable solutions to ensure the right protection for your IT infrastructure.

Configurator: Your personal
Security Area

A doctor at a desk with a stethoscope around his neck. He is transferring something from a tablet to a hand. Underneath lies a clipboard. Next to it is a laptop

Our compact data center (Micro Data Center) in cabinet format.

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A doctor at a desk with a stethoscope around his neck. He is transferring something from a tablet to a hand. Underneath lies a clipboard. Next to it is a laptop

DC IT Room: The server room with customized protection for your IT infrastructure.

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A doctor at a desk with a stethoscope around his neck. He is transferring something from a tablet to a hand. Underneath lies a clipboard. Next to it is a laptop

The mobile, modular and indestructible all-in-one container data center.

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A doctor at a desk with a stethoscope around his neck. He is transferring something from a tablet to a hand. Underneath lies a clipboard. Next to it is a laptop

With the planning tool, we offer your individually suitable solution for every case.

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Our cross-industry projects

Spectators look at a stage on which a man is speaking
We are at the Smart Country Convention 2024!

October 15th to 17th | Messegelände Berlin

blurred plants and shrubs with different shades of green
Meet us at the Green Data Centre Summit!

16th of October | Messegelände Berlin

Let us advise you without obligation

If you would like a free consultation, please feel free to contact us personally. Please use the contact form or simply give us a call. We look forward to hearing from you!